Report Explorer Settings

There are several Report Preview functions available including “one up” or “two up” page output, mouse scrolling control, and a continuous scrolling option that allows you to quickly scroll through an entire report without having to “page down” or “page up”.

  1. To configure these options, in Tools | System Preferences choose the General tab.
  2. In this section there are two options;
    • Default sort order for reports
    • Reports - show ‘Continuous Scrolling’ option

Default Sort Order

The default sort order is by ‘Employee Number’. If preferred you can select a Printname option, to change the sort order to for the current report.

You can change the default sort from employee number to employee print name (for all of your employee-based reports). To do this, go to Navigator | Security | System Preferences | General, then in Default sort order for reports, select the Employee Name option.

Reports - show Continuous Scrolling Option

This option controls the ‘Continuous scrolling’ option of the report preview screen. This option is switched on by default except for Firebird databases where it is currently unavailable.

Activating this option provides some additional options on the Print Preview screen. Your choices are;

  1. Single Page (default setting)
  2. Single Page Continuous
  3. Two Up
  4. Two Up Continuous

The ‘Single Page’ options (a and c) require you to use the page navigation keys to move from one page to the next. The ‘Continuous scrolling’ options (b and d) flow from one page to the next continuously via your mouse wheel or down arrow keys, while still allowing you to jump from page to page in the same manner as the ‘Single Page’ options if you wish.


Note: The ‘Continuous scrolling’ options perform an additional ‘Drawing page’ phase when rendering the report. This is done in blocks of 100 pages and does not add significantly to the time taken to render a report.

Additional Options When Saving to Excel

When saving a report to Excel you now have two options, Excel (Report) and Excel (Data).

The Excel (Report) option attempts (as closely as possible), to create a replica of the HR3pay report in an Excel spreadsheet and therefore includes page headers, footers, captions, spacing, etc.

The Excel (Data) option excludes the page headers, footers, captions etc., and only outputs the core data from the HR3pay report.

Some reports will not have an Excel (Data) configuration defined and therefore will export a blank Excel spreadsheet. Typically these are reports which have multiple sections or lines of information per record, and these do not lend themselves to the “Rows and columns” nature of Excel and CSV (comma separated values) files.

  • Examples of reports which will not have an Excel (Data) configuration are all of the “Detailed” versions of Payrun, Earnings History and Costing reports.
  • Examples of reports which will have an Excel (Data) configuration are the “Summary” versions of these same reports.


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